
Showing posts from 2011

The School of Chi Energy

The Macro Cosmic Orbit Dangers

Energy Healers need to know about BioPhotons...

How can bio-energy be measured?

How to Avoid Telekinesis Side Effects.

Chi Energy Student Fritz...

The Truth about Chakras

Chi Energy Instructor measures at High Levels

School of Chi Energy Heals Online Courses

Chi Energy and Emotional Stability

Cool Chi Heals

Seeing to Believe -- A small bioenergy demo...

What happens when Reiki & Qigong healing methods leave you feeling... abandoned?

Chi Energy Palm Test

Demystify the Spirit, Mind and Body with Cool and Relaxed Bio-Energy

Sifu Cindy Cicero - "seefu" teacher in Chinese

Some of what is learned & experienced at the School of Chi Energy Heals...

Designing a Mindful Life