What happens when Reiki & Qigong healing methods leave you feeling... abandoned?

This is what happened to me after years of personal training & investment in the healing business…

Then I met Sifu Jones a Kung Fu Martial Artist of 40+ years… who knows the internal way of moving energy at high levels.  I am now one his Instructors’ and the Director of The School of Chi Energy Heals.

He said that when a little kid of 11 years old threw him against the wall three times without touching him — then he knew the path to “high level energy work” is in the power of yin energy.  After many years of experimentation he discovered a way to teach this high level energy work in a three year training program, which normally takes 30 years.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have both the time & money invested in my health and healing profession with over 25 years majoring in Meditation, Yoga, Qigong and Reiki.  
As a professional healer, I worked with many clients on a daily basis.  And even with the best intentions I tended to absorbed my client’s unbalanced energy. 
This left me exhausted, tired and out of energy.  Then I became the one who needed to be healed.  
Sifu Jones explained and taught me that my healing modalities reached a plateau because they were never built with a good feeling and cool circular healing form of bioenergy.   
These advanced bioenergy forms can be built to high levels with easy to learn low impact spiritual Chi exercises that help build your own body’s nerve fiber system. 
Sifu Jones will show you how electromagnetic energy, subatomic particles or bioenergy are all same thing and explained through Quantum physics. 
And this is how Sifu Jones teaches healing bio-energy work with science to back the practice. 
This method is easy enough for a little kid to learn and deep enough for the sensitive advanced practitioner of energy to excel.

We have many energy healers’ in our online school of Chi Energy Heals – and it’s interesting how quickly new boundaries are surpassed.
So if you’re tired of running against the same old brickwalls and plateaus in your energy healing profession please download the mp3 seminar  
at www.schoolofbioenergy.com and checkout the School of Chi Energy Heals.

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