Chi Energy Training is wrought with potential pitfalls…

High Level Chi Energy Training is wrought with potential pitfalls. Seemingly innocuous, these dangers are anything but; life threatening and otherwise, chi training is the double edged sword; without proper guidance and mindful engagement, that which makes your life better can just as easily cause unforeseen and far reaching harm.

Aware of this aspect of chi energy, Sifu Jones and Cicero often encourage students and instructors alike to take time and relax the base of the neck throughout the day, but especially prior to training. The reasons are scientifically fascinating.

In the article, “Shock Medicine” the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research documents the research by Dr. Kevin Tracey and his exploration into the field of “electronic medicine”.
At the base of the neck is the vagus nerve, a nerve that is a critical component to the entire nervous system of the human body. According to Dr. Tracey, the vagus nerve transmits electrical impulses to and from several organs and the brain. What is important to consider is that the vagus nerve is part of the circuit that is the human nervous system and responsible for the transmission of the chemical agent responsible for inflammation: tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

According to Dr. Tracey’s research, the vagus nerve has the ability to control inflammation within the human body. Whereas there are moments when inflammation is the correct response, it is a rarity indeed. More often than not, inflammation is a health hazard and left unchecked, can result in many diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Heretofore, the interconnected nature of the nervous system and the immune system was something that was largely overlooked. It would seem that these two systems are integrated in more ways than we are currently aware. At the cutting edge of this research is the vagus nerve.

Dr. Tracey developed an electrical device that stimulates the vagus nerve and prevents production of TNF by a type of immune cell called a macrophage, effectively inhibiting inflammation. Students at the School of Chi Energy can do this very same thing without expensive and invasive surgery.  Students do this by simply following the instructions provided by Sifus’ Jones and Cicero with a step by step method of building bioenergy or better said biophotons to high levels for healing and extreme abilities. In tandem, the School of Chi Energy Practitioner is taught by being mindful of particular attributes of how to change their inner temperature thus effecting the vagus nerve.

These key attributes are how they can control the response of the vagus nerve and how it interacts with the larger circuit that is our nervous system and have it propagate the tangible sensations of a good feeling and a cool temperature throughout our host bodies, feeding into the organs themselves.
Sadly, when we fail to remain mindful and control the attributes, electricity, bio or otherwise, is still electricity: it is hot and very destructive. Left unchecked, inflammation is the least of the concerns. However, mindful guidance of the attributes of bio electricity and how we engage our host bodies makes all the difference.

Hopefully these sentiments will resonate and encourage you in your training.
In the interim, as always:
Be well; be mindful.
Sifu Brown MSIS [Certified Instructor for the School of Chi Energy]
Please visit us at this link for more information about the School of Chi Energy Method

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