Energy Healing and the Spirit Being’s Approval…

The School of Chi Energy Presents a Q & A

Here is a question by a Third Year Student looking for advice from the School of Chi Energy Instructors:

The student says, I need your help on a few things that I have got going on. First, I need your advice with helping a five year old child. Both of her parents suffer from asthma and various respiratory problems. The child was admitted to the hospital with a bad lung infection and blocked nasal passages. I used healing techniques on the child while she was in the hospital and found out that she was able to be released within 72 hours. Sifu, I want to know how to cure the girl totally.

Second, I have been asked by a friend to help his mother who is sick all the time. No one knows how, but the other night the mother came to me in spirit form, but I could not understand her. I felt that something was very wrong because I felt a strong negative energy around her that someone seemed to be sending her. So, I used healing techniques on her, but she had a relapse, which is why I’m asking you for your advice on how to resolve this problem. What do you think I should do?

Please click this link to read Sifu Jones’ answer to the Third Year student:

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