Using Kid Gloves while Learning High Level Energy Techniques

The words we choose and the tones we use when speaking have a powerful impact on everything around us. The Bible, for example, points to the power of language; chief among the examples is that God spoke the existence of the universe into being. Furthermore, the books of Proverbs (18:21) and James (3:6) warn against the destructive power of our words.

Early on in my training, Sifu Jones explained to me that when dealing with others who are not engaged in the mindful activity of building their energy directly through the development of their nerve fibers, it’s in my best interest to keep the “kids gloves” on. The idea is to be gentle with them as though I were play boxing a toddler – regardless of physical age or development, our energy output is so much higher than that of the average person; it simply isn’t fair, as they will not know what hit them.

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