Reiki Training

Reiki Training

explained in comparison to the

Reiki is a metaphysical healing training system that ceremoniously gives energetic symbolic attunements to the practitioner from a Reiki Master Teacher.
The Chi Energy training system in comparison to Reiki differs in that the practitioner is instructed how to create their own 3D geometric “energy forms”. These energy forms contain hormonally changing characteristics for advanced healing and enhanced psychic abilities.
Both of these systems utilize the cultivation of "chi or bioenergy".
A perspective student should consider the following differences between Reiki training and Chi Energy training.

Sifu Cicero's Reiki Training Experience

My personal experience through Reiki training levels one, two and three was over a five year period with a Master Reiki Teacher in private sessions. During my Reiki training experience, I was attuned to seven different levels of Reiki symbols that cost me over $7000 to receive my Reiki Master certification. An attunement is where the Reiki Master projects as much energy as they can into your body using a Reiki symbol.
In my healing practice, I experienced an "emotional roller coaster ride" on a regular basis. I practiced my Reiki hand positions and tried to psychically connect with my Reiki symbols, but I had a hard time controlling the energy flow.
Practicing the Reiki techniques I encountered many unexpected different temperature swings throughout my body; sometimes being so cold it gave me the shivers to sometimes being so hot I would sweat. Some of the side effects included emotional swings and binging with food. I found after awhile performing my Reiki practice regularly just made me tired. Most of the bad side effects I felt, occurred after applying my own self healing or while trying to distant heal on clients.
I consulted with my Reiki teacher and other Reiki practitioners on how they handled undesirable side effects. Their general consensus was that this was a normal type of experience that most students will go through. They explained most of these side effects were from the cleansing that was taking place in the body and mind.
I was advised to use the chakra colors or parts of the auric energetic body to help calm myself down. For some reason, using my connection grounding Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and Raku Reiki symbols did not seem to work as expected. This is when I started looking for another training system. I spent at least five years practicing my Reiki training and wasn't getting any further ahead. I found out I had reached a major plateau.

Becoming a School of Chi Energy Practitioner

It was after going through the School of Chi Energy and studying directly with Sifu Jones that I started understanding energy work much better.

It was at the School of Chi Energy that I started understanding energy work both in a scientific and medical way. Instead of concepts being explained in a metaphysical sense, I was provided with direct scientific references or medical research to prove each new concept.
Since everything was taught in a scientific way, I was able to see the cause and effect relationships from learning each technique. The School pointed out to me why an energy worker went through different side effects. I learned to tune into the energy form that I was building so I could feel the energy in a physical way. I learned to guide the form I was building in order to build up the body's nerve fibers. It was through this exercise in nerve fiber building I developed a high level of sensitivity throughout my body.
If you go through the course curriculum at the school you will be amazed at all the different advanced techniques you'd learn. After going through three years of the School's curriculum, I was able to reach a whole new level in energy work. As amazing as it seems, the normal energy student can actually learn the techniques being taught at the School. Since then I became School of Chi Energy Director of Operations and my energy practice keeps getting better everyday.
One of the main purposes of these type of articles is to better inform people so they reach higher levels in their energy training. Even though I went through all three levels of Reiki, we do not teach those techniques in our School. The techniques and concepts learned in our School went beyond my Reiki Energy training. The training in Year One alone went beyond the five years of training I learned in Reiki.
Click here to listen to: Beyond Reiki mp3 seminar or right click to download.

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