Energy Holograms and the Weight of our Words…

Instructor Sifu Brown from The School of Chi Energy discusses below how the latest in science discoveries supports touchable holograms made from sound waves.

Recently I came across an article that explained to me, in great detail, the importance of being mindful with regards to our tone of voice and; why Sifus Jones and Cicero place great importance on this concept for those of us actively engaged in this training.  Over the years, I have found myself the recipient of negative feedback in one form or another, both at home and at the office. The need to recalibrate, especially with regards to temperature and softness of chi energy forms, was something that I was readily able to grasp.

Sifu Jones pointed out several times that, regardless of my intentions or word choice, I was undoing myself. It was more often than not that the cause of my woes was directly related to my tone of voice.
I had an intellectual understanding of sound being a mechanical wave, and that this particular method of chi training would excite these waves exponentially. Even with the haptic feedback, as it were, that I would experience from those on the receiving end of my words, I did not have a true understanding until recently.

The title says it all: “Bristol University develops 3-D touchable hologram technology” – published on

The simple statement contained in the article gave light to the gentle prodding of Sifu Cicero and weight to the words Sifu Jones was trying to get across to me over these past few years: “The device they created makes patterns in mid-air with focused ultrasound. The air disturbances are focused enough that a person can feel them.”

Without being mindful of my tones, I was not controlling the subsequent electrical magnetic energy forms being created by my sound waves with my own tone of voice. For most people in day to day life, physically feeling the words spoken by another human is something that does not intuitively makes sense. It hurts our sensibilities. Left haphazard, the results of the Chi Energy Circular method which is good feeling and cool will tend to be similar to pointy javelins as opposed to soft and comfortable blankets that envelope and snuggle. On a conscious level, they may not understand what is happening, but subconsciously, they understood that whatever the discomfort, I was the cause.
And even now, although what feels like I have had a moment of clarity; I am thinking I have finally been able to perceive the tip of this particular iceberg. I am excited now more than ever, as I can see the importance of using the correct tones and forms when speaking. Knowing that shapes can be formed out of sound waves, methinks it is time to stack the deck in everyone’s favor. Win. WIN!

Be well and; enjoy the journey.
Don E. Brown II, MSIS
Instructor at The School of Chi Energy

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