How Meditation Benefits Everyone...

A resource I find particularly valuable in my professional endeavors, the Harvard Business Review, has surprised me as of late, as several of their authors – many of whom are Harvard graduates and/or professors, have been penning articles on the many benefits of meditation.

Two articles specifically caught my eye – one published via the Harvard Business Review and another article that was referenced by an HBR article, citing scientific research on meditation and the human condition by a team of researches at the Harvard Medical School.

In the article “Try Meditation to Strengthen Your Resilience”, Peter Bregman describes the concept of his awaking and recognition of his personal “Self” through meditation. “By Self, I don’t mean the person who was breathing, I mean the person who was watching the breathing. This is a little difficult to describe, so bear with me here. Your Self doesn’t change when circumstances around you change. You’re not a different person after a compliment than you are after an insult. You might feel different things after each, but you aren’t, essentially, a different person.”

To continue reading please visit: How "Meditation" benefits everyone.

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